Ram Offset Lithographers is FSC® certified.
Ask about our FSC products (FSC C041262)

2651 Avenue G

White City, Oregon 97503


Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 4:30 PST​

File Upload

You CANNOT upload a folder. You MUST upload a file.

Compress/Zip your packaged elements and then upload the “FolderName.zip” file via our upload page.

  • Drag file to indicated window, or click to navigate. REMEMBER – this must be a file, not a folder.
  • Type in your name, email, and subject (ie publication name)

Add any additional information you would like us to know in the Message box. Items we suggest are:

  • Estimate number
  • Contact person if different from the person who uploaded file
  • Desired completion date
  • Any additional comments or concerns you may have.

File Upload

If you are ready to upload your files, click the above arrow and you will be redirected to a service called Hightail. If you need assistance, please call us at 541-826-3155.

How to “Package for Print” with InDesign

To provide your native InDesign files to Ram Offset, we will need all of the elements you used to create the file. Alternately, you can provide us with a high-quality pdf that has crop marks and bleeds.

  • Save and Leave open your Adobe InDesign file.
  • Resolve any errors concerning missing links or fonts.
  • Go to File: Package.
  • Click the Package button at the bottom of the Summary window.
  • Click continue on the “Printing Instructions” window after entering all contact information and special instructions you would like Ram Offset to know.
  • Navigate to where you will create the package folder (desktop is fine) and enter the name of the folder, or leave the default file name InDesign assigns.
  • Make sure that the “Copy Fonts,” “Copy Linked Graphics,” “Update Graphic  Links in Package,” and “Include Fonts and Links from Hidden….” are all checked. Other boxes should be unchecked.
  • Click the package button.
  • Navigate to the folder that InDesign created and verify that it contains copies of all required files. (InDesign, fonts, links, text file.)
  • Right-click the folder and choose “Compress” (Mac) or “Send to ZIP” (Windows, might be something similar depending on what software you have installed). This will compress your file.
  • If the file size is less than 10MB, you can e-mail it to your salesperson or customer service representative. If it is larger than 10MB, you will need to send your files by clicking here.

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